I spent last weekend with my Carrie Charles Garden on Club and Speciality show in Rakovník (CZ). My friend Elisabeth from Sweden came as well and she brought Dylan Charles Garden, lovely ruby devil from my kennel :) It was lovely time to have them in our house. We enjoyed lovely time, I am very proud on results of my progeny and I hope, Dylan will come back soon :)

Club show - judges were Ing. Alena Košťálová for males and Caroline Gurtner (F) for females
Carrie - Exc.2, res. CAC
Dylan - Exc.1, CAC

Speciality show - judges were Mr. Zdeněk Kliment for females and Caroline Gurtner (F) for males
Carrie - Exc.1, CAC, Best of colour
Dylan - Exc.1, CAC

Huge congratulation to Elisabeth, who won all show with her incredible Charlie!