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Agia Sofia church bell tower boat butterfly cats cave church Elkomenos church entrance flag fresco Greece icon kastro lizard manuscript monastery Monemvasia mosaic floor museum Mystras palace Pantanassa monastery Peloponnese Sparta Sparti St Demetrios church St Nikolaos church steps Taygetos mountains theatre throne valtaki beach
Lakonia is the south eastern region of the Peloponnes with the Taygetos mountains to the west. The administrative capital is modern Sparti. Not much remains of the archaeological site of ancient Sparta, mainly theater ruins. Close to Sparta are the captivating ruins of Mystras, second most important town after Constantinople during the late Byzantine period. We wandered down from the Kastro at the top through the upper and lower towns past the Palace of the Despots, several Byzantine churches with beautiful frescoes including Agia Sophia, St Nikoloas, the Pantanassa Monastery and St Demetrios (Metropolis) Church where the last Byzantine Emperor was crowned. Monemvasia is a fortified town on an island off the east coast. On top are castle ruins. The lower town has traditional stone houses, narrow cobbled streets, churches including Elkomenos Christos with the priceless icon of the Crucifix. Nearby the seaside town of Glythio has the shipwreck of Dimitrios on Vataki Beach.