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batik becak burqa check factory gate grafitti guard horse and cart lamp mask MGH mosque museum musician pool puppet roof silver stairs transport water
Yogyakarta, Central Java, is the cultural centre of Java & is renown for its crafts such as Batik & leather shadow puppet making. Some of its charm are the horse drawn wagons and peddle powered becaks to travel around the city tourist areas. The centre of Yogya is The Kraton, a walled-in city within the city. The Sultan still lives in part of the Palace whilst the rest of the site is now a museum. Most days, a Gamelan orchestra plays to entertain the visitors. Within the Kraton is Tamon Sari water castle which was part of the Sultans royal gardens. Tamon Sari has tunnels to Sumur Gumuling (Well), an underground circular building used as a mosque. Outside of Yogyakarta is Mangunegaran Sultans Palace where the current Sultan still lives