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bird check fish flower hill town Hindu market mist motorbike pet relief shop snake stairs statue tea picker tea plantation temple
Candi Sukuh Hindu Temple was built in the 15th century on the slopes of the religious mountain, Gunung Lawu. The building style is totally different to other Javanese Hindu temples and has erotic reliefs & statues. From Candi Sukuh we treked through valleys of small farming communities in the foothills of Gunung Lawu to Tawangmangu, - a hill town on the other side of the holy mountain. Next day we drove through misty valleys on the way to Malang, with stops to see a teak furniture factory & the famous python. Malang is an attractive hill town in East Java. Pasar Bunga, Malang's flower market has a great display of orchids and the bird market (Pasar Senggol) has a wide variety of pets for sale including budgies, pigeons, finches, owls, squirrels, fishes & insects.
The Malang tea estate we visited was different to tea plantations we have seen elsewhere - the tea bushes grow to the height of the tea pickers - so all you see are their conical hats above the bushes.