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bridge Chameleon flowers frog fruit fungi insect lemur MGE moth river snail snake spider waterfall
Diverting off the RN7 we visited the area of Ranomafana, the name means ‘hot water’ in Malagasy, due to the hot springs found in the area. Ranomafana is one of the most picturesque national parks in Madagascar. It is a mountainous area of dense rainforest. The rare golden bamboo lemur was discovered here in 1986 which led to the area gaining National Park status. It now provides a protected environment for these endangered animals and a wide variery of other wildlife. On walks in the reserve we were able to watch and photograph the Golden Bamboo lemurs which are breeding well in the reserve and the endangered Greater Bamboo lemur, Red-fronted brown lemurs, Milne Edward's sifaka, Black and white ruffed lemur and Red-bellied lemur along with amazing frogs, chameleons, birds, insects and even a tree boa.