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bird boat cattle coral fish flowers lizard MGJ octopus
From Toliara we took a zebu cart to reach our boat waiting offshore to take us around the coast to Anakoa. Anakoa is a little Vezo fishing village stretching along a lovely sandy shore. We stayed at Hotel Safari Vezo in a beach cabin surrounded by spiny forest vegetation and lots of birds. The local Vezo people were very friendly, it was interesting to visit their village and watch the men set off early in the morning for fishing in their colourful pirogues. We took a boat to the island of Nosy Ve, a sacred location to the Veza people where each year they sacrifice zebu according to local tradition. The island is home to a breeding colony of red-tailed tropic-birds. After photographing the birds we snorkled over the reef photographing fish and coral, a good end to our journey through Madagascar.