Our first stop on reaching South Georgia Island was the spectacular Right Whale Bay on the north coast . The beach was guarded by mating fur seals so we went zodiac cruising close to the shore where we could watch all the action from the seals and penguins. The fur seals were stationed all along the beach, some fighting for their territory as the females were back inland with either their newborns or getting ready to pup. Skuas, and giant petrels were scouring the beach looking for any weak or injured penguin or seal in order to attack and feed. There was a scenic waterfall in the bay.

Rosita Harbour is a small bay in the west side of the Bay of Islands, South Georgia. We cruised in zodiacs along the shoreline because the beaches were full of aggressive mating fur seals, and witnessed fights, chases, stare downs. Southern giant petrels and skuas were feasting on carcasses of dead seal pups and we saw the South Georgia pipit and the South Georgia pintail.