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Abraham Lincoln Astana Palace Baram River bats Berawan boat Borneo boss BSW butterfly Camp 5 cat cave chicken Ekspres featthers food fort Fort Margherita fungi head man headhunter Hong San Temple Iban insect Intrepid group Kuching laundry lipton log raft longboat longhouse Mcdonalds meal mosque musicians party Pepper rain Rajah Brookes river Sarawak Sawara River shield Skandis skull souvenir Sungai Tutuh river sunset temple tinsel www
We visited the Wind Cave Nature Reserve Park which is near Kuching. Went by Ekspres boat to stay at one of the most dramatic parks in Asia: Gunung Mulu National Park. Here we went into the Clearwater Cave and the Deer Cave systems. At sunset watched 100,000's of bats fly out of the Deer cave into the surrounding jungle.
We journeyed further upriver by long boat into the jungle & stayed in long houses with former head-hunters of Borneo. They now grow spices such as pepper whilst their school children often stay at boarding schools down river during school terms. We slept on the floor of the communal area and bathed in the nearby river.
We returned to Kuching, (means 'cat' in Malay), a very pleasant city in Malaysian Borneo. Once the home to the infamous White Raja of Sarawak, its a river city rich in Islamic, Chinese & colonial architecture, many curio shops, local vegetable, spice and fish markets.