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agauscallientes alpaca chinchero costaverde cusco equador guineapig hoatzin inca incatrail lima llama machupicchu miraflores peru plazadearmas puertomaldonado quecha quito sacredvalley
Lima, capital of Peru, visited Mira Flores, Plaza de Armas, watched the changing of the Presidential Guards at Government Palace and tried Cuy (roast guinea pig). We flew to Puerto Maldonado Visited the markets at Chinchero. In Cusco, saw Plaza de Armas, La Comania, Church of Santo Domingo, Coricancha, visited the nearby ruins of Tambo Machay. From Cusco, we went via the Sacred Valley to catch the train from Ollantay Tambo to Agaus Calientes which was our base to explore the abandoned Inca city of Machu Picchu.