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billiard table butcher Crescent Lake desert drying room dunhuang Emin fort gobi desert halal meat hanging wall Jiayuguan Jiayuguan fort melons monument mosque motor cycle combination night markets No 6 tomb old quarter turpan old wall recycle sand dune SCE Silk Road China small delivery vehicle sunset theatre turpan vine Wind farm www
Jiayuguan is in the Gobi desert and was part of the Silk Road. Originally built at the extreme western edge of China and is at end of The Great Wall. Nearby are thousands of tombs from the Wei and Western Jin Dynasty (265–420). The Jiayuguan Fortress was built in the 14th century. The Suspended Great Wall section was built in the 16th century on a ridge with a gradient of 45 degrees.
Dunhuang is an oasis town in northwestern Gansu province, Western China, at the crossroads of the ancient Southern Silk Route and the main road leading from India via Lhasa to Mongolia. Dunhuang has the Crescent Lake and Mingsha Shan (Singing-Sand Mountain), named after the sound of the wind whipping off the dunes.
Turpan, in Xinjiang, has a harsh, continental desert climate. Agriculture depends on a sophisticated irrigation known as the Karez System that dates back to the Han Dynasty (206-24 bc). Today Fruit trees, melons, and especially grapes grow very well at Turpan. The Emin Minaret is the tallest in China with flower patterns and a helmet-shaped top, it's one of the most famous examples of Muslim architecture in Xijiang. The Emin Minaret is at the northeast corner of the Uyghur Mosque.
Ample water was crucial for the oasis towns that serviced the many caravans on the Silk Road as they skirted the Taklamakan Desert. The caravans included merchant traders,missionaries,camel drivers,agents & other personnel plus their armed escorts. Animals including camels, sometimes numbered into the thousands, all might stay for a week or more.