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Alces alces Alfalfa Alfalfa looper Moth american crow Anaphalis margaritacea aster Autographa californica Barn swallow Bighorn sheep bird Black-billed magpie blue Brown-headed cowbird buttercup butterfly Callospermophilus lateralis Campanula rotundifolia) Canada Castilleja miniata cinquefoil Cliff swallow Columbian ground squirrel Corvus brachyrhynchos Cougar Crow daisy Dryas octopetala fauna flower Golden-mantled ground squirrel Great spangled fritiliary Harebell Hirundo rustica Insect Jasper Juniper Juniperus communis magpie Marmota flaviventris Molothrus ater moose Moth Mountain avens Ochotona Minor Ovis canadensis Pearly everlasting Petrochelidon pyrrhonota Pica hudsonia Pika Potentilla Puma concolor purple Red Indian paintbrush Red squirrel Sarcodon imbricatum siskiyou aster Speyeria cybele squirrel swallow Symphyotrichum lanceolatum Tamiasciurus hudsonicus Urocitellus columbianus white flower yellow flower Yellow-bellied marmot
August 2018, we joined Explore Best of the Rockies tour of the Canadian and US Rocky Mountains and visited some of the most beautiful national parks in the world. We have some surreal views of Medicine Lake, Lake Louise, etc., as smoke from wild fires had blanketed parts of the Rockies. The Canadian National Parks visited were Jasper, Banff & Yoho (Takakkaw Falls). Jasper area: Maligne Canyon & Lake, Valley of the Five Lakes, Medicine Lake, Moose Lake, Spirit Island, Atherbasca Falls, the Pass & Glacier, Columbia Icefield Center and Glacier Skywalk. For Banff: Peyto Lake, Num-ti-jah lodge, Bow Lake, Lake Louise Ski Resort, Moraine Lake, Consolation Lakes, Lake Louise, Johnston Canyon. In Banff, the Cascade Gardens and Cave & Basin National Historic Site.

Flora photographed: Juniper berries, Harebell, Red Indian Paintbrush, Siskiyou aster, wild alfalfa, Mountain avens, Cinquefoil, Scaly Hedgehog Fungus. Fauna: Elk, Moose, Columbian ground squirrel, Golden-mantled ground squirrel, Red Squirrel, Pika, Yellow-bellied marmot, Great Spangled Fritillary butterfly, Alfalfa looper moth, Brown-headed Cowbird, nesting Barn & Cliff Swallows, Black-billed magpie, American crow.

On our drive to the US Glacier National Park, we visited the First Nations World Heritage listed site: Head-Smashed-In Buffalo Jump in Alberta, Canada.