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ceiling church Dome ITE sculpture
The Appian Way at weekends has traffic restrictions so its a pleasant walking experience on the ancient paving stones. On our walk along the Appian Way, we visited The Basilica di San Sebastiano which has artworks by Giogetti (statue of St Sebastian.) We continued to the catacombs of St.Callixtus, along a tree lined path with Stations of the Cross.
The bus back from Appian way stops at the Baths of Caracalla. Caracalla was built about 2000 years ago, it had a series of baths (cold, medium & hot) and gyms, shops etc. Building statistics: bath building was 228 metres (750 ft) long, 116 metres (380 ft) wide and 38.5 metres (125 ft) estimated height, and could hold an estimated 1,600 bathers.