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alpine flower At-bashy river bird cattle cemetery cook family food horse Kalmak-Ashuu pass kids Kochkor Kyrgystan kyrgyz Kyzl-Bel pass mausoleum Moldo Ashuu Pass Naryn Naryn River petroglyph rainbow scythian sheep Shyrdak SKA SKB Son Kul Lake Talik Batyr www yak yoghurt yurt
Leaving Tash Rabat , we retraced the Silk Road through At-Bashy & Naryn before going to Son Kul Lake, an high altitude alpine lake used for summer pastures by nomadic tribes. We went to the lake via Kara-Oi, stopped at Taylik Batyr mausoleum then wound our way up the Moldo Ashuu Pass to reach our 2nd Yurt camp at 3000m high Son Kul Lake. The nomads herd sheep, goats, cattle, horses & camels. Around the lake were Petroglyphs and very impressive late summer storms with spectacular sunsets.
Leaving Son Kul Alpine Lake, we passed ancient Scythians, Yaks & then wound down the Kalmak Ashuu Pass to stay at Kochkor - former names: Stolypin, Kochkorka. At Kochkor, we watched the handmaking of wool felt called Shydak, which is often used inside of Yurts.