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Barskoon Gorge broken Heart Rock butterfly cattle Chok Tal Cholpon-Ata flowers food frog Holy Trinity cathedral horse Jeti-Oghuz canyon Karakol kids kyrgyz Lake Issyk-Kul lorry market Mikhaylovka inlet mosque motor cycle combination mushroom Pedagogical petroglyph picnic Przewalski Royal Beach resort Russian Orthodox sanatorium Seven Bulls shops SKC soviet Tamga torpedo tractor village pump waterfall wishing tree Yuri Gargarin
Lake Issyk-Kul was an important Silk Road stopover & at Barskoon, the ancient caravans would disburse to China & India. Issyk-Kul is an endorheic saline lake in Northern Tian Shan Mountains, used by the Soviets to test submarine & torpedo technology at Mikhaylovka Inlet . This area has a clean, ideal climate so Soviets built military sanatoriums that were used by cosmonauts after space flights. The Jeti-Oghuz Sanatorium was where the Russian cosmonaut Yuri Gagarin was decompressed. There's a monument to Yuri Gagarin at Barskoon Gorge.
On the southern side of the lake, Tamga village was our base to visit Barskoon Gorge with its wishing trees and Jet-Oghuz canyon to see the" Broken Heart Rock", the "Seven Bulls" - Red sandstone cliffs.
At the east tip of Lake Issyk-Kul is the city of Karokol, founded 1869 as a Russian military outpost as its near the Chinese border. The city has the Dungan mosque and the Russian Holy Trinity Cathedral. Nearby are Przewalski Memorial Park, Mikhaylovka Inlet and on Sunday mornings, one of the largest animal markets in Kyrgystan.
The northern side of the lake, near Bishkek, there's health resorts at Chok Tal & nearby are the Cholpon-Ata glacial boulders engraved with about 2000 petroglyphs dating from 800 BC to 1200AD.