The Uffizi Gallery is one of oldest art museums of Europe. The building begun in 1560 by Giorgio Vasari for Cosimo I de' Medici and was completed in 1581 by Alfonso Parigi and Bernardo Buontalenti.
The artworks are displayed in rooms & corridors with beautifully decorated fresco ceilings, the paintings & sculptures offset each other for dramatic effect. An additional exhibition was: "The Pure, Simple, Natural in Florence XVI to XVII cent."
The painting collection has works by Lippi, Hugo van der Goes, Di Pietro, Pietro Duia, Maineri, Raibolini,Giampietrino, Bugiardini, Berruguete, Benefial, Bondone, Fabriano, Paolo Uccello, Masollino, Frans van Mieris, Pontormo, Brozino, Salviati, Artemisia Gentileschi, Manfredi, Boucher, Bugiardini, Allori.
Botticelli's include "Madonna of the Magnificat" ,"Birth of Venus", "Allegory of Spring or Primavera". Rubens: "Triumph", Battle","Bacchanalia". Bartolomeo: "Adoration of the Christ Child","Circumcision". Caravaggio: "Testa di Meduca", "Baccus". Notti: "Supper with Lute Player", "Wedding Feast". Self portrait by Rembrandt. "Medusa" by Leonardi da Vinci. "Lamentation over the body of Christ" by Bellini. "Head of Old Man" by Boccaccino. Santi di Tito: "Rest on the flight to Egypt with the young St. John the Baptist", "Annunciation". Carlo Dolci: "Madonna of the Lilies".
The sculpture collection includes: both Red & White" Marsyas", Psiche Tormentata, Pan and Hemaphrodite, Boy with Thorn, Apollo Playing the Cithar, The Medici Vase c.50 B.C., "Silenus & the young Bacchus" by Jacopo del Duca, "The Dwarf" by Valerio Cioli, "Bust of female Saint" by Bandini, copy of the Laocoon by Baccio, "Madonna & Child holding a small bird" by Andrea della Robbia.