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donkey horse kids mosque petroglyph school kids Sentab SilkRoad SUD tadjiks Uzbekistan walnut www
On our journey to Sentab village, we stopped at Nurata, formerly Nur, which was founded in the 3rd century BC by Alexander the Great and has ruins of his hilltop citadel. The city was also an important Muslim place of pilgrimage, reaching its peak in the 10th century AD.
Sentab village is within the Nuratau-Kyzylkum Biosphere Reserve just south of Aiderkul Lake. The village is part of a UN Development Program project where local families have established small private guesthouses and welcome visitors to their homes. Our hosts are ethnic Tajiks, speak a regional language, we ate home-cooked local specialities, and watched the day-to-day life of the village where the main mode of transport is a donkey.