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Baboon Banded Mongoose Big 5 bird Blue Monkey Burchell's Zebra Bushbuck calf EAP elephant entertainment giraffe hippopotamus Impala Kirk's Dik Dik lake Lake Manyara NP male mongoose monkey Olive Baboon swimming pool Tanzania termite mound TLM troop wildbeest www zebra
Lying in a shallow depression at the base of the western wall of the eastern arm of the Rift Valley, Lake Manyara typically shimmers in a heat haze, streaked pink with thousands of flamingos. Backed by a narrow band of forest, it rises to the dramatically sheer red and brown cliffs of the Mto wa Mbu Escarpment. The park has large areas of ground-water forest with giant fig and mahogany trees alternating with acacia woodland and open. The name is derived from the Maasai word for the Euphoria tirucalli bush, which the tribesmen plant as a living stockade to keep their cattle from straying