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Amahoro group baby bamboo bicycle EAP faeces fishing Giant Lobelia Gisenyi herbivore Karisimbi volcano Kigali knuckle walking Lake Kivu mountain gorilla Nyabitondore panga Parc National des Volcans Poppy ranger river RWA Rwanda Silverback Susa group Umbumwe vegetation Visoke volcano www
In Rwanda, we visited the Parc National des Volcans in the Virunga mountain range to see the mountain gorillas, the world's most endangered apes. On the Karisimbi volcano, we encountered the Susa group, a family of 38 gorillas with 4 Silver-backs & 14 month old twins: Byisimo (happiness) & Impana (gift). Poppy, the oldest female at 29 years, had a 3 week old baby. Poppy is the only 1 left that knew Diane Fossey. The next day, we saw the Amahoro group on the Visoke volcano. Family of 15 gorillas lead by the Silver-back, Umbumwe.