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Acacia oxycedrus Acacia ulicifolia Angular Zieria Anthochaera chrysoptera Bauera rubiodes Baueraceae birds Blue Dampiera blue flowers Blue Mts Guinea Flower Boronia Boronia ledifolia Boronia serrulata Bossiaea Bossiaea scolopendria carnivorous plant Chiltern Trail Common phyllota Common phylotta Common sundew Coral Heath cream flowers Crustacean Cunoniaceae Dampiera stricta Darwinia Darwinia fascicularis Dilleniaceae Dog rose Drosera spathulata Epacris microphylla Ericaceae Eriostemon australasius Eucalyptus haemastoma Fabaceae flora Goodeniaceae Grevillea sericea Grevillea speciosa Hibbertia bracteata inaturalist Ingleside insects Isopogon anethifolius Juniper Wattle Ku-ring-gai Little Wattlebird Mimosaceae Myrtaceae Narrow-leaf drumstick Native Rose New Holland Honeyeater Parasesarma erythodactylum Pardalotus punctatus Pea flower Phebalium squamulosum Phylidonyris novaehollandiae Phyllota phylicoides Pimelea linifolia pink flowers Pink Spider-flower Pink swamp heath Pink Wax Flower Plank plant Prickly Moses Proteaceae red flowers Red Spider-flower red/white flowers Red-fingered Marsh Crab River Rose Rutaceae Scaly Phebalium Scribbly Gum Slender rice-flower Spike Wattle Spotted Padalote Sprengelia incarnata Sydney Boronia Sydney Rockrose Tenagogerris euphrosyne Thymelaeaceae trees Water strider white flowers yellow flowers Yellow/red flower Zieria laevigata
This bush walk is on the Northern Beaches, Sydney. The fire trail walk starts from the end of Chiltern Road in Ingleside and winds down to McCarrs Creek Road. These are some of the wildflowers and birds etc., we saw along the trail in August 2020.