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AK47 alcohol alleyway Arbore tribe Ari tribe beadwork blacksmith Borena chief coffee dancing decoration disc Dorze tribe elders Ethiopia feather fire firewood gateway hair hairstyles Hamar Hamar tribe handicraft hat home house hut Injera Karo tribe kid Konso tribe lip lip plate Mursi Mursi tribe necklace Omo River OmoValley river shells singing Singing Wells smoke SouthernEthiopia southerntribes still stilts tattoo thatch Turmi Market water weaver weaving
We visited a number of Omo Valley tribes including Borena, Dorze, Mursi, Ari, Karo, Hamar & Arbore peoples. The Mursi are best known for their lip plates & body decoration. The Borena have their “singing well” tradition: shepherds work & sing as a team as they draw water from hand dug deep wells for their animals during the dry season. The Dorze tribe are known for weaving. The Ari are the largest population group in the Omo Valley, live in permanent villages & produce most of the agricultural products. The Hamar women wear elaborate decoration, their thick copper necklaces denote their marriage status. Hamar men & women go for elaborate hairdressing, women use clay & butter in their hair. The Karo tribe go for elaborate body painting, men & women insert a piece of wood below the bottom lip. Arbore women adorn themselves with beads & bracelets. The Konso tribes live in stone walled terraces and fortified settlements on mountain slopes to the south of Lake Chamo.