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- "Close "high "postage "Still (mathematician / 1 1/2 1806 1865 1876 1918 1930s 1931 1937 1938 1939-1945 1940s 1943 1950s 1957-1969 1960 1982 19th century IX century Nineteenth century 19th/20th 2 20th Century 4 5 8 9 A Accipitridae Achievement Adults Adventure Africa African AGAINST Aged AID AILMENTS Aircraft America American American (period or style) American armed forces American movies American Stamp About Post American Stamp Commemorating Lindberg's Transatlantic Flight American Stamp of an Astronaut in Space Americans Anchors and Animal riding Animals Antique Appreciation Arc de Triomphe de l'Etoile Arch monument Archive archives aristocracy aristocratic Armed conflicts Armed forces arms Art Arthur artifact Artists Association Football World Championship Astronaut Gherman Titov with Spacecraft Vostok II on Cuban Stamp Astronauts Athletes auction Australian Stamp background Bavaria Binary digits Bird Bird of prey birthday Black-and-white photography Blue Brazilian Stamp Britain British Business and commerce Canadian Stamp on Conference of London 1866 capital Caribbean (period or style) Caudan celebrity iconography centenarian Central America century Charles Augustus Lindbergh Chinese Stamp Chinese writing Churchill city Civil engineering class" close close view closeup close-up Clothing Clothing accessories coat collect collectible collecting collection colonial Colonialism colony Color photography Color prints Commercial art and graphic design Communication Communications Conan Conferences Containers Correspondence Courage Couriers Crash helmets Crowd crown Cuban (period or style) Cultural artifacts Curves DC Delegates Delivering Design Design arts detail detailed director Doyle Dragons Eagle Earth Eastern European (period or style) Eastern Europeans elite Elvis Employees Engineering and technology England English English text Engraving Envelope Europe European European (period or style) Europeans expensive Exploration Eye contact Eyeglasses eyevine Eyewear Facial expression famous Federal agency Females Few FIGHT Figurative art Fine art Fine art painters five Flags Flight helmets Flight suits Floating Flying Foreign policy France Francisco Jose de Goya y Lucientes Frederic Remington FRENCH French (period or style) French celebrity French Guyana Geometric shapes George George Washington George Washington Goethals Georges Melies Germany Gherman Titov Government Government agency Government employees Government officials Governors Graphic Great green Group Half-length portrait Halfpence Hamilton harbour Headgear Helmets Hill historic Historic event historical History hobby Holding Honor Horse Horse riding Human culture Ile-de-France Illustrations Imperial Imperial Chinese Stamp in India Indian indian post International Colonial Exposition Ireland Irish Italians Jump suits King Kingdom known Land forces landmark landmarks Languages Latin America Latin American (period or style) Leaders Legs leisure letter life life" Limbs Local government officials Located in: Museo del Prado Louis macro Madrid Madrid Province mail Mail carriers mailing Males Mammal man Many Maps Marilyn mark Marka Mauritius Medallion motifs MEDICAL Men Mid-Atlantic Military personnel monarch monarchy Monroe Monument Motifs Motion Pictures Mountain movie movie by Henabery Joseph movie poster movie theater Museum National symbols Native Americans on US Stamp Nautical equipment New stamp news NEWS USPS Nobody Nordic North North America North American (period or style) North American historical event North Americans Nude Maja (postage stamp after); The Numerals object object alone objects Occupations and work Ocean of Office old Old-fashioned Orange ORIGINAL Outfits Panama Panama Canal Panamanian historical event Paper Parallelograms Paris Paris 1931 pastime pence PENNY People perforated perforation Personifications Pfennig philatelia Philatelic philately Photography physicist) Pince-nez Place Charles de Gaulle policy Political and social issues Political events Political leaders politician Polygons Pony Express Port portrait Portrait head Portraits post postage postage stamp Postage Stamp Commemorating the 25th Anniversary of Panama Canal postal Postal service Postal workers postcard precious Presley priceless Print Prints Pro Refugiats Prominent persons PROMOTING Protective clothing public services of France Quadrilaterals Rare Rarity Rectangles RED Red cross Rembrandt on Dutch Stamp renowned Representational art retrospective Riding Roman numerals Rowan royal Rudolph Valentino Russian Space Agency Russians S Sainted Devil Satellites Scandinavia Scandinavian scientist Sculpture seeing selection send sent Serrated Service Shapes shipping sight sights Smiling Smoke signals Soccer Soccer players Social sciences SOLD Soldiers South Southern Europeans Soviet (period or style) Soviets Space exploration and research Space missions Space Race Space suits Spain Spaniards Spanish language Spanish text Speed Sports stamp stamp" Stamps star iconography star in the USA Stars and stripes States Statues Steamships still SUNLIGHT Sverige Sweden Swedish Swirls symbol Symbols Text the Theodore Roosevelt thing things Transportation Trees Triumphal arch TUBERCULOSIS Tubes Two-dimensional works Typography U UK Uniforms United United Press International United States Army United States of America United States Postage Stamp Honoring Those Who Have Served United States Postal Service up up" UPI Upper Voltan Stamp US US Stamp About Pony Express USA used valuable Vehicles Veterans Vintage aircraft Visual artists Visual arts Vostok II Rocket Wagon War and military Wars Washington Watercraft Waterfront Wearing well well-known Western European (period or style) Western Europeans Whites William Winston World War II worth