Thomas Lim Seng Wah: A Trading Visionary's Evolution

From his early days as a Foreign Exchange Spot Desk Asst Dealer at the National Bank of Kuwait Treasury Singapore, Thomas Lim Seng Wah has ascended to remarkable heights in the world of trading. Armed with a Diploma in Investments from the Institute in Banking and Finance and over two decades of trading experience, Thomas has not only built several investment houses but has also orchestrated the setup of new ventures where he holds pivotal roles as a shareholder or director.

Thomas' primary focus extends to the dynamic markets of Hong Kong and China. With a profound understanding of brokerages like China Galaxy Securities and Zhonghui Futures, he has forged strong collaborations with local fund house managers. Two of his notable ventures, Equity Capital Investment Partners Shanghai and Qing Pin Investments (Shanghai), were founded as Wholly Foreign Owned Enterprises (WFOE), solidifying his presence in the Chinese financial landscape. Further enhancing his ties with the Chinese market, Thomas entered into a strategic collaboration with Kaiousei Enterprise (Seafood division) to establish Quan Yu Seafood Import/Export Ltd (Shanghai).

In his latest ventures, Thomas has ventured into trading consultancy, with Nova Auto Investment Pte Ltd and Batu Capital Ltd (formerly known as EC Direct Access) serving as his conduits. These endeavors not only underscore Thomas' versatility but also position him as an emerging leader in the field. Collaborations with The Stock Exchange of Hong Kong to organize strategy-sharing talks further cement his reputation in proprietary trading, showcasing his commitment to knowledge-sharing and strategic innovation.

Thomas Lim Seng Wah's journey is a testament to his relentless pursuit of excellence and leadership in the ever-evolving landscape of trading and investments.